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Chip Shot: Turning 50 This Month, Moore’s Law Spurs Economic Growth in the Trillions

Turning 50 this month , Moore’s Law is the cornerstone on which today’s innovation is built. IHS said today that Moore’s Law has generated a minimum of $3 trillion in incremental GDP and up to $11 trillion when including the indirect impact. At an event tonight , Gordon Moore is expected to highlight that without increasing funding for basic research and focus on STEM education advancements such as Moore’s Law may not happen in the future, potentially hobbling economic growth and increases in living standards.

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Chip Shot: Keeping Up with Moore’s Law – Turning 50 on April 19

April 19 marks the 50th anniversary of Moore’s Law : a simple observation that even Gordon Moore didn’t realize for five decades would remain the competitive force that brings the benefits of technology to more people at ever lower costs. Millennials have become the stewards of Moore’s Law: continuously finding ways to shrink technology, make it more power efficient and rethink where – and in what situations – computing is possible and desirable. Perhaps the greatest impact is yet to come.

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